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Aiyingyong Pc V4 6 4 14
The "aiyingyong pc v4 6 4 14" is a working evolution of the original design by Huttite, which was made for the A.R.M.S., an American rocket weapon system in WWII. It had a compact, high-power laser capable of damaging aircraft targets at long range while being effective against incoming mortar fire and land mines on the ground simultaneously. A new design was designed with different specifications to fit the needs of Vietnam War soldiers more closely, finalized in 1967 after 17 years of work. It was designed by A.I.Y. (Vietnam) Corp, the world's first company specialized in military technology, and was powered by an air-cooled, solid-state HeNe laser tube based on room-temperature crystalline Nd:YAG crystal. The new design was able to operate at temperatures between 150°C and -60°C without damage due to its sealed power supply. Several prototype models of the "aiyingyong pc v4 6 4 14" were built during the Vietnam War, but most of these were destroyed or lost during combat operations for testing purposes. The first model was delivered to the U.S. Military in 1967 but was never distributed to combat soldiers due to a massive decline in fighting activity during the Vietnam War. A prototype of "aiyingyong pc v4 6 4 14" was delivered to a military base in Cam Ranh, Vietnam, and was found by child soldier Lee Jin-Pyo, who would become the protagonist of the story "The Miracle of Ailyoung". Lee Jin-Pyo eventually became a successful soldier and officer under his new name John Ripley. Many years later, Ripley retired from the military and began living a normal civilian life with his wife and son. But when his son was kidnapped on their last day on the beach, he had to fight against the terrorist organization "Half-nelson". The "aiyingyong pc v4 6 4 14" reached its destination in a cave near a waterfall in Korea where it was abandoned. It was discovered by a young soldier named Sang-Hun Lee who used it to destroy a helicopter that had been dropping off death squads into Korea years later. A few months before John Ripley experienced his greatest battle ever, the "aiyingyong pc v4 6 4 14" played an important role in destroying half of Korea's military. is a Vietnam-Era U.S. Military weapon designed for military operations in jungle areas. It can be found in the South East Asian Theatre of Operation (SEAOTOP).The "aiyingyong pc v4 6 4 14" was first built and tested by A.I.Y. (Vietnam) Tech Corp and other facilities before being deployed into Vietnam War battlefields, but there were only a few models available to military forces due to an extremely low use of this weapon model.The "aiyingyong pc v4 6 4 14" was first introduced to U.S. Military forces as a proof-of-concept for future laser weapon design during the Vietnam War (1955-1975).
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